There are a few guys milling around this campus that have a habit of opening their mouths and inserting their foot way too far when they talk to ladies. To be fair, however, a few things on this list can also “go for girls.”
What specifically am I referring to? The cheesy, oft-offensive lines and stupid things men say when they are trying to talk to a lady and trying to at least score a date. So, now, I am going to offer up a list of fifteen things that should not be uttered. I will freely admit that this is mostly based on my biased perspective; and I did get some help from friends on a few of these.
Here goes.
1: “Your Dad must be a damned good mechanic ’cause you’ve got a fine set of headlights.” This line is older than dirt, but it’s still pretty offensive.
2: If you happen to know the girl’s relatives, do not, I repeat, do not, bad-mouth her relatives. This may be grounds for a much deserved butt-kicking. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
3: If you’re not at Mardi Gras, then there’s absolutely no reason to drop this one: “Nice tits, can I see?”
4: This one is almost always a no-no, especially if you’ve landed that first date with her and you’re on it: Do NOT blatantly ogle another gal and say something like, “DAMN! I’d hit that!”
5: Don’t try to get a lady’s attention by calling her by the color of her shirt. Example: “Hey, blue!” How about a simple “Hello” instead?
6: Here’s one that is guaranteed to make you look like a blithering idiot: “So, you’re a girl, huh?”
7: “Do you really think you need to eat that?” You may as well hand her a shotgun and paint a target on your back… or on your nether-regions. Your choice.
8: This one goes for both guys and girls: don’t start blabbing about how badly your last relationship ended. Nobody wants to know about your relationship drama right off the bat.
9: “I’m like a Rubric’s cube. The longer you play with me, the harder I get!” Really? Unless the girl is a hooker, I don’t think she really wants to know how hard you can get during that initial meeting.
10: “Do you have (insert random ethnicity here) in you? No? Do you want some?” I cringe every time I hear this one, and it makes me want to slap the person who said it. That’s just me, though.
11: “Those pants look great… but they’d look better crumpled up on my floor in the morning.” This one warrants a slap, for sure.
12: “There are 206 bones in the human body. Do you want another one?” Hmm, nah, I think I’ll pass. Obviously.
13: “Girl, if you have even HALF the skills your Mom does, we could make magic together.” If you’re dumb enough to drop this one, you had better run. Fast.
14: “You might as well sleep with me because I’m going to tell everyone we did it anyway.” Enough said.
15: And… I think this one takes the proverbial cake: “I haven’t had sex in a really long time. The doc said I should wait until the burning and redness goes away before I try any contact again.”
Jade Miramontes started writing for the Yuba College Prospector in Spring 2010 and fell in love with journalism. Since then, she has launched a news page on Facebook called “Insight” and has also started doing freelance work for the Flexwriter’s Creative Magazine (since September 2010), Demand Media Studios, Suite101 and Ms. Miramontes is currently specializing in Political Commentary and is the author of “Jaded with Jade.” She is also planning on expanding her writer’s horizons by exploring different areas to write about. You may reach her at her e-mail address, for comments, story ideas, etc.
Also, there are 206 bones in the human body, dear.