Knowing that there was not a bus route that connected to the campus, Yuba Community College District Officials green lighted opening the Yuba College Sutter County Campus. The issue of an available bus route to the Sutter County Campus has been discussed for the past three years, according to Keith Martin of Yuba-Sutter Transit. The discussion of bus route availability to Pease Rd and E. Onstott was a topic before the site of the Sutter County Campus was purchased. However, no actions have been taken to create a bus route that links the bus to the campus.
In order to create a route to the campus, Martin needs documentation from school administrators regarding where students are coming from. Keith Martin explained that school administrators, including Interim Executive Dean Brian Jukes and former Yuba College President Kay Adkins, were fully aware of what it would take to get a operating bus route out to the Sutter County Campus.
Keith Martin states, “In time the bus route situation will resolve itself, as enrollment increases the demand and ridership will increase.” Martin’s current recommendation to administrators is to provide information about current routes Yuba-Sutter Transit provides on the campus website.
The problem now is that there is no funding at all to provide a bus route service to the Sutter County Center. Keith Martin said, “They would have to cut a current service in order to provide a service to the Sutter County Campus.” Keith Martin and Yuba-Sutter Transit are very hopeful about a bus route in the future, especially since in the campus was built with a turnabout for bus access.
Currently, the last operating bus stop closest to the campus is on the corner of Gray Ave and Northgate. In order to reach the campus students must take a long walk up Gray Ave until reaching a dead end that connects to a peach orchard. There is a corner of a chain link fence that is peeled back, which you climb through before walking through the Orchard, until you reach Pease Rd. You walk on Pease Rd. until you get to Onstott. As you dodge cars racing towards the campus you find yourself walking up the street looking for a sidewalk. As you hear the sounds of zooms and screeches pass you buy.
Mr.Hale, that is one way to address me. I am a very opinionated individual who loves to play The Devil’s Advocate on occasion. I like to discuss and write about things that are exciting, fun, informative and important. I am a little political, somewhat controversial and all around relevant.
And, to think that the College could have had a piece of property on Hwy, 20 & El Margarita for WAY less $$ which already had bus service next to it.
But, when the “good ol’ boy” network decides to use taxpayer dollars to help one another, then facts don’t come into play.
It’s amazing how much more valuable the former owner’s adjoining orchards are worth (for development) now that the YCCD has paid for the infrastructure to be put in place to that area of Onstott Road. Let’s just say that it’s FAR more than the millions we paid to have the infrastructure done.
Oh wait, technically, the infrastructure was “paid” for by the seller. Yet, the details of the transaction reveal that a backside deal had Measure J cover the costs “prior” to the purchase with a “payback” from the purchase. See, the owner didn’t have the available funds to install the infrastructure himself, as would normally happen.
Yet, the other available property didn’t require any backside deal or “finagling” to make it usable.
AND, Yuba Sutter Trasit service was, and is available to that property so the students could have had access to the campus from day one!!!
BTW: If you think that the Good Ol’ Boy Network needs some breaking up, then let me suggest:
We Sutter County voters need to be sure that Trustee Jim Buchan is NOT reelected next month. It was his close friend who benefited from the above discussed transactions.
This is a good quick read, very relevant and important to Yuba College Students who catch the bus to school