The Associated Students of Yuba College is busy. As President of ASYC, I can tell you that we are working hard towards a better college for all of us. I can also tell you that it is hard. Not only do we have to manage our classes in today’s new academic conditions, but we are all learning how to represent and support YC students in the same conditions. So, what does that look like exactly? I’m glad you asked. That means we are taking time to meet and discuss what is and what could potentially be happening for Yuba. It means ASYC members are joining different committees from the college to state level to make sure that us students are represented. It means we are now having office hours in the ASYC office so students can come for information, advice, and student ID cards on a walk-in basis. And it means that we are planning to orchestrate fun events despite having mostly virtual options.
It was our pleasure to assist with welcome week last month and we look forward to partnering with Campus Life to supply interesting and exciting events this semester. One event to look out for in the near future is “Tolkien Week”. This event was started by a few students suggesting that ASYC take part in celebrating the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien (author of the Lord of the Rings series). ASYC listened, and now during Tolkien week, (Sept.21-25) we will be helping to organizing zoomed exert readings of Tolkien’s works(9/22) and we are partnering with the Steele House Coffee to give a Tolkien trivia night(9/24) complete with prizes for the winners.

Keep an eye out for events from ASYC and Campus Life this semester and if you would like to learn more about your student government, potentially join us, or comment on what you would like to see done on campus, please feel free to reach out to ASYC by emailing asyc@yccd.edu or calling 530-740-1752.
Zoom information regarding the events of Tolkien week:
Meeting ID: 962 4902 7725
International numbers available: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/u/aduzR8YvQ0
Hello! I am a very invested student of Yuba College. I used to tutor English and writing at the WLDC and I still do tutor math/chem in the CSC along with being a Peer Mentor and the President of our student body government. I am a Pre-Med student working on transferring to UC Davis and then, Lord willing, on to Med School
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