On October 10th in Marysville a large group Republicans exercised some of their five freedoms as granted by the united states constitution in the 1st amendment. For those of you who don’t know the US Constitution in depth or haven’t taken the time to read it, don’t feel guilty. There are many people with Political standing who aren’t fans. The freedoms listed in the 1st Amendment are: religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. The people at the community-orchestrated Trump parade were exercising their rights to speech, and assembly and to some degree the others. Myself, my sister and a dear friend ( who informed me of the Trump parade) went to Marysville Highschool where the parade of trucks bearing flags with Keep America Great on them had gathered on the 10th and found the orchestrators of the event.

Wyatt Coffman-a young man with a Patriotic spirit was glad to answer any questions I had when I spotted him with the help of my friend. When I inquired why Coffman put together the event, he said “We thought there needed to be more support for our president, and we hadn’t seen a Trump rally in our community so we decided to make one ourselves.”
“So who do you have involved in it? Did the community just jump on board when they heard you were doing this?” I asked Coffman.
“Yeah, I posted it on my snapchat and got a lot of my friends involved and I posted it on Facebook, made it a Facebook event, we shared it all over the place and tried to get the community involved,” Coffman said. Coffman’s friend also said that he had an Instagram account with 150,000 followers on which he promoted the event as much as possible. The parade was full of trucks, motorcycles and other vehicles that were still arriving as I interviewed him so proof of how successful the promoting has been was quite clear.

“So do you guys have an outcome your hoping to achieve? Awareness, more support for Trump or anything else?” I asked over the sound of the motorcycle engines revving up around us.
“We just want to show our support for Trump and encourage people who are scared to vote for him, or afraid to show their support that they can raise up their voice and support our President. We just want to bring people together, rally them and have a good time,” Coffman said.

The crowd did indeed seem to be having a good time and I’ve rarely seen the community so united over one cause but it was an encouraging event to behold in our time of present Political derision and polarization. The Trump Parade drove through Marysville gaining support and awareness that hopefully did encourage people to speak out with their beliefs, and for them to be willing to offer open support for our President without fear of public contempt. One of the things America prides itself on, is that its people are free to speak out with what they believe in and support or condemn whatever their values demand as long as its peaceful. To see members of the community exercising that right in support of our President should encourage others to do the same when they feel called upon to do so.

“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.” –Ecclesiastes 12:13
I’m a Christian, a writer, a conservative and am currently working towards an AA in English here at Yuba College. I loved to put scripture quotes as openings to my essays in any assignment where I could get away with it and I like to write about things that are meaningful, entertaining or simultaneously both. I attempted to join journalism two semesters in a row but there was no Prospector for two years here at Yuba College due to lack of enrollment in the Journalism class. To be able to be President of the Journalism club and to fill the Prospector page with news and views is exciting to me and I hope that it continues to be replete with different perspectives after I graduate. Everyone has something to say; whether or not their willing to organize their thoughts and put it on paper (or in our day and age, online) is what makes them a writer. I hope to be a novelist someday if the Lord is willing; and the goal of my works is to remind people what shouldn’t be forgotten, as well as give them a world in which all of the plot twists, choices, and fall outs come together in a way to help readers grow and find clarity. Books are both a form of instruction and escape, and therefore never obsolete.
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