“Both Sides Sleep,” an independent film, will be making its debut screening at the Yuba College Theatre April 23 at 7 p.m. with an encore presentation the next day April 24, also at 7 p.m.
The independent film was shot mostly in Marysville and stars local actors Erik Rasciner, Rebecca Katanik, Matt Monaco, Deborah Lineker and June Brown.
The story starts with Simon (Rasciner), a depressed young man, who is having problems sleeping. He meets a strange woman (Brown) that claims she can cure him of his insomnia. Simon is cured, but strangely he starts to sleep every chance he has. The tale begins to take twists and turns that are guaranteed to tease your mind.
The film, written and directed by Raul Gonzo, is very avant garde in its artistic approach in both visuals as well as sound. The music of the film was created by Jason Jarosz. The feature length film is approximately one hour and thirty minutes long.
The film will play at the Yuba College Theater where admission will be free. Some other short films may kick off the night to make it a full two hour event. There are no ratings on any of the films, but it is strongly recommended that no children under thirteen should come without an adult accompanying them.
“Both Sides Sleep” will start touring the country after its initial showing in Maysville. Eventually the producers hope to receive enough contributions to enter into the “Sundance Film Festival.” So far the film will be playing in Chico next month and at the “Sacramento Film and Music Festival” in August.
This unique film is unlike anything seen before and is sure to make waves and turn heads.
For pictures, video clips, or to schedule and interview, please contact Raul (530) 218-2863.
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