Once again 2020 proves to an unsuspecting College campus that the contactless experience isn’t over. However, Yuba Community College’s faculty, staff and students are fighting to adapt and make the most of it. Though Yuba College in-person services such as the Library and Counseling have recently switched to solely virtual, classes continue to be virtual and with finals coming up students and faculty alike are struggling to survive this semester that none of us really planned for at the start of the year. A popular campus tradition at Yuba known as Finals Frenzy would have been taking place. ASYC President Zachary Carling says that there will still be Finals Frenzy this semester, howbeit online. President Carling said all of the events will be on zoom: a Disney Trivia (with prizes for winners) at 4pm, hosted by Steele House Coffee, on 12/15, Yoga stress Relief 10-11am led by ASYC Senator Rebecca Hawthorne on 12/16, and the film The Man Who Invented Christmas at 4pm on 12/17. Also, It’s a Wonderful Life will be shown via zoom at 4pm on 12/18. And the links will be provided before long.
Hopefully the class of 2020 (those returning and graduating this semester) will adapt to the online age that this pandemic has necessitated and their experience at Yuba College won’t be adversely affected. Yuba College staff and Faculty are doing everything they can to make Fall 2020 memorable and conducive to the students futures, regardless of the present trying times.

“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.” –Ecclesiastes 12:13
I’m a Christian, a writer, a conservative and am currently working towards an AA in English here at Yuba College. I loved to put scripture quotes as openings to my essays in any assignment where I could get away with it and I like to write about things that are meaningful, entertaining or simultaneously both. I attempted to join journalism two semesters in a row but there was no Prospector for two years here at Yuba College due to lack of enrollment in the Journalism class. To be able to be President of the Journalism club and to fill the Prospector page with news and views is exciting to me and I hope that it continues to be replete with different perspectives after I graduate. Everyone has something to say; whether or not their willing to organize their thoughts and put it on paper (or in our day and age, online) is what makes them a writer. I hope to be a novelist someday if the Lord is willing; and the goal of my works is to remind people what shouldn’t be forgotten, as well as give them a world in which all of the plot twists, choices, and fall outs come together in a way to help readers grow and find clarity. Books are both a form of instruction and escape, and therefore never obsolete.
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