On November 2 and 3, the Yuba College Veterinary Technology Club held a vaccine clinic open to all Yuba College Students and their pet friends. The Veterinary Technology students gathered on Olive Hill at noon where they set up tables and a “cat tent” to vaccinate the pets. Despite the rainy weather on the second day, the club carried on with their vaccine clinic in Room 810.
According to the Veterinary Technology Club’s secretary, Alicia Seaman, it is the first time the club has hosted the vaccine clinic. The clinic served as an opportunity for both first-year and second-year students to gain hands-on experience while also raising funds for the program.

The Vet Tech Club offered discounted vaccines for both cats and dogs at $10 each. For dogs, Distemper Parvo (DHPP) and Leptospirosis (Lepto) vaccinations were available. Vaccinations available for cats included Distemper (FVRCP) and Feline Leukemia (FELV) vaccinations. In addition, Rabies vaccines were offered for both cats and dogs, and microchipping was available for $20.
The vaccine clinic was a success, according to Yuba College’s Veterinary Technology Specialist, Amber Kuykendall. According to Kuykendall, a grand total of 28 cats and dogs were vaccinated, the majority being cats.

Most of the money raised through the event will be used to maintain the Vet Tech program’s student farm. In addition, the money raised from fundraisers like the vaccine clinic helps the Vet Tech program purchase new equipment and fund student trips.
Following the success of their first vaccine clinic, the Vet Tech Club will be hosting a second vaccine clinic in the Spring semester. According to Kuykendall, the club hopes to offer the clinic twice a year, both Fall and Spring semesters.
On November 15, the Vet Tech Club partnered with the Yuba College turkey drive and held their own pet food and supply drive. The club hoped to gather pet food, litter, beds, and other supplies for cats and dogs. All of the items that were gathered during the drive are to be donated to Meals on Wheels and the local animal shelters. The Vet Club will also be participating in the Yuba City Christmas Stroll on December 9, where they will be selling calendars to raise money and continue to maintain their student-run farm.
Note: This article was featured in the Winter 2017 print edition of The Prospector.
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