Unfortunately, the football team has started out their conference with a loss. They had won two out of three pre-conference games, but team suffered multiple injuries before their first conference game.
This game also led to injuries. Tieneal Martin had to be taken out of the first half after injuring his leg. He later returned to the field in the second half after getting seen by a trainer.
The team was led by quarterback Isaiah Rios, a freshman at Yuba, who has thrown 581 yards this year. They are strengthened by two all purpose players, Ariyon Huff and Jacob Gildea. These players are found all over the stats boards; from rushing to receiving, they serve multiple functions for the 49ers.
Although the conference did not start out on a great foot, the 49ers have evened the score by defeating the College of the Redwoods on Saturday. It is important for students to go out and support their team. Football games have the largest audience of the Yuba College fall sports which creates a more involved and energetic feel.

On October 7, 2017, football will celebrate homecoming in an attempt to beat Hartnell College. The game will be even more festive than normal so bring a sweater, pick up some nachos, and enjoy the game.
Note: This article was featured in the Fall 2017 print edition of The Prospector.
I am a 3rd year Yuba College student majoring in Biology. I am transferring to Chico Spring 2018. I enjoy working in a scientific field, where my passion lies in environmental ecological and evolutionary studies. I also enjoy using my extroverted tendencies in communication and media classes. Other than school I am married and have 8 pets. Please feel free to message me or leave comments about any questions or requests.
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