There is plenty of local talent in the Yuba-Sutter area, there is even a entertainment company that is on a voyage 2 Da Moon. One of the hottest artist of this label is actually a Yuba College student. Preach is one of many of the aspiring artist on the label. After reading this Interview with some of the hottest talent in town, there will be several reasons to support this local home-grown entertainment company. It will take the entire Yuba-Sutter community to put 2 Da Moon ENT. on the map in the music world, a record label we can all boast about and call our own. The interview details a candid and relevant Q&A session with Rick “Slick” Penn, the CEO of 2 Da Moon ENT and three of his stand out artist, one is a current student this Fall at Yuba College. The three artists are Preach, Young Goasy and Dookey.
Interview with Preach
Q#1. Who are you? How long have you been in Yuba City?
A#1. My name is Preach, I’m a local artist who has been in Yuba City for 18-19 years.
Q#2. Why should people care about you and your music? Why should people care about 2 Da Moon ENT.?
A#2. Because it is dope and relevant to your everyday life, we stay active and do a lot for the community. And we make quality music!
Q#3. What have you/ what do you do in the Yuba-Sutter area to benefit the community?
A#3. We have entertainment that children and adults can enjoy. We give kids something to do besides being in the streets.
Interview with Slick Pimpin
Q#1. Who are you? How long have you been in Yuba City?
A#1. I’m Slick Pimpin, Rick Penn whatever you want to call me it’s all the same. I have been in Yuba City since 1994, so about 18 years.
Q#2. Why should people care about/support 2 Da Moon ENT.?
A#2. People should care because 2 Da Moon ENT. puts on new shows and provides people with fun who ain’t got nothin to do. We also put on all ages events in the community for the kids to have fun. All while keeping them out of the streets and keeping violence away.
Q#3. How long have you been involved in the music business/industry?
A#3. I have been rapping since 1996, I started taking it serious since 2004. I started being involved with recording and being on tracks in the years of 1998, 1999 and 2000.
Q#4. What are some ups/downs about the music business at a time in America and the world where sales are down for the purchasing of music?
A#4. A downside to being involved in the music business when sales are down worldwide are the people on the streets selling cd’s and all the bootlegging of music. Yet an up or positive thing is when true fans go to the stores and purchase the artist music. That way they are not taking money out of the artist pockets, so all the way around you can give back.
Q#5.What type of music do you specialize in?
A#5. I like artist like Too $hort, as far as the music that 2 Da Moon ENT specializes in, is Hip-Hop. 2 Da Moon ENT. also has singers, we have R&B artist on our roster as well as Gospel artist.
Q#6. What makes 2 DA MOON ENT. different from any other Hip-Hop/music record label or Entertainment company?
A#6. There is not too much of a difference, most entertainment companies have parties and do shows, yet a slight difference may be the fact that 2 Da Moon ENT. does some events and parties for all ages, which help the youth stay out of trouble.
Q#7. Where can people find 2 Da Moon ENT. music and artist’s? Is there a website or email address?
A#7. We have youtube accounts, as a group and the individual artist’s including live performances and several music videos. We also have facebook and myspace pages, some of us not all have twitter pages.
Q#8. Are there any standout artist on your label or is everyone on equal playing field?
A#8. The current standout artist’s on 2 Da Moon ENT. are Preach, Lil Bra, Dookey and Young Goasy.
Q#9. When is the next concert/music showcase?
A#9. The next music showcase is Friday October 12, 2012. I will be a special guest for The Jacka. The event is sponsored by 2 Da Moon ENT. HC Presents and RHYTHM 105.9. DJ JR. Fresh in THE MIX 18 and up with I.D. Doors open at 9:30pm. located at MAZANILLO MEXICAN GRILL on 112 Garden Hwy in (Yuba City, Ca). Presale available online at HCPRESENTS.COM and at the Fire Fox Smoke Shop 620 Plumas St.
Q#10. Is there anything you want to say about 2 Da Moon ENT. that people may not know, something you want them to know or something they misunderstand?
A#10. Yes, we are very family oriented. We are not a gang, we attend many youth events like football games and basketball games. We try to keep kids off the street. Also most people know but for the ones that do not know 2 Da Moon ENT. keeps the party rockin.
Q#11. If there are any aspiring artist’s, producer’s, videographer’s etc. from Yuba College and or the Yuba-Sutter community, what do they need to do and who do they need to contact?
A#11. They can contact me Rick “Slick Pimpin” Penn they can text me at (530)701-0050. I am behind everything I am the CEO.
Interview with Young Goasy
Q#1. Who are you? How long have you been in Yuba City?
A#1. My name is Young Goasy aka “From the Streets to the Sheets” I am a local, from Yuba City and I have been here my whole life.
Q#2. Why should people care about you and your music? Why should people support 2 Da Moon ENT.?
A#2. I am a very important person out here, I have made a big impact on these streets. My family has done a lot for the 530. I feel you should support our label because we are telling you what is real out here in our music. And we are keeping our dream alive and showing you that anything is possible if you put yo mind to it.
Q#3. What have/ what do you do in the Yuba-Sutter area to benefit the community?
A#3. Look I work a nine to five like any other resident in our city. All I want is to show my city what I do with my time. It is not all about drinking and smoking weed, but everyone likes to have fun. I feel if you give to the hood, the hood will give back. It benefits our community a lot and lets people know that there is a GOD and he does his job like we do ours.
Interview with Dookey
Q#1. Who are you? How long have you been in Yuba City?
A#1. I am out here Rapping who I am, I am a Yuba City cat. I have been here for about 9-10 years.
Q#2. Why should people care about you and your music? Why should people care about 2 Da Moon ENT.?
A#2. Because I am talking to my age group, the people who are going through the same things I am going through. As far as 2 Da Moon ENT. we are all about trying to be somebody and make a difference. And by doing that we will be able to give back to the community.
Q#3. What have you/what do you do in the Yuba-Sutter area to benefit the community?
A#3. I was working for a minute and paying taxes. I was working at FOODMAXX in Yuba City. Also I help put on shows and events for people to come to and have a good time all the while thinking about the next show to come. Everybody is doing their part, it is like a big family it is all love.
Mr.Hale, that is one way to address me. I am a very opinionated individual who loves to play The Devil’s Advocate on occasion. I like to discuss and write about things that are exciting, fun, informative and important. I am a little political, somewhat controversial and all around relevant.
We out here tryna function!