1) The Office: While a mockumentary about a paper company may sound like a boring premise for a show, The Office is anything but. Each character brings something special to the show, and the outlandish situations the characters find themselves in at times will keep you laughing for hours. The show balances its crazier characters and its more normal characters with ease. Before long you will feel emotionally invested in the characters, and sneak an episode in whenever you can.

2) Archer: This show can be described as James Bond on steroids. It takes all of Bond’s less virtuous traits and multiplies them by ten with its titular character, Sterling Archer. Add in a supporting cast of equally dysfunctional characters including Archer’s borderline alcoholic and neglectful mother, along with ridiculous spy adventures and crass humor, and you have a recipe for an entertaining show.

3) Grand Hotel: All 66 episodes of this show set in turn-of-the-20th-century Spain contain twists and turns that ensure a viewer will never be bored. The show revolves around the famous Grand Hotel of Cantaloa, with the characters rarely leaving its majestic confines. The show is sure to delight viewers aesthetically with its gorgeous scenery, historically accurate clothing and sets. But it also delivers a dramatic, fast-moving plot that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Though this show is in Spanish, the English subtitles do a great job translating so that non-Spanish speakers won’t miss a beat. It’s the perfect show to binge over a vacation.

Note: This article was featured in the Summer 2016 edition of The Prospector.
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