Recruitment is perhaps the most important part of any athletic program, especially in women’s sports where the talent is limited and of a premium. Locally, the talent pool is good . We have some very good prospects that go on to play at major colleges and universities. Many women softball players have accepted scholarships at places in California, Washington and Oregon. This, plus the fact that other communities colleges with more enrollment across the state draw from this same group of quality athletes, makes recruiting even more difficult here at Yuba College.

Reynolds had this to say about her lineup, “We have Jacky Tanner a River Valley High Graduate, she is a stellar all around player. She plays SS or 2nd base, she can drop a bunt for a base hit, or hit homeruns. She is fun to watch. Ashley Gilmore (Wheatland Grad) is a similar hitter. They both hit with power, and can mix it up offensively which makes them both a threat. Once on base either one will steal and score. Ashley is primarily our Center fielder, and has a gun for an arm. Samantha Prosser (Sutter High Grad) was a great addition this year. She has some of the quickest hands I have seen at the JC level. She is a fantastic 3rd baseman, and catcher to boot. She finished our conference schedule this year with a game that consisted of 2 home runs and a single going 3 for 4. Taylor Crab (Wheatland Grad) pitched our final game with a 3 hit shutout. She has developed into a great pitcher, and has been our number 4 hitter for both seasons.”
You can look at CCCAA stats online and look for further information if you are interested.
The selections for all conference were done on Wednesday, the 23rd of April. They are as follows:
1st team All Conference for the Bay Valley: Jacky Tanner, Ashley Gillmore, Samantha Prosser
2nd team All Conference for the Bay : Taylor Crabb, Jocolyn Accola, Morgan Thome
Honorable Mention: Fraine Cox
Playoff appearances will take place on the road May 3rd and 4th, 2014
The 49ers anticipate traveling to San Mateo, Starting pitcher, Taylor Crab should be well rested and prepared for the occasion.
Thanks for your support.
Bob Barton III/ born 08/26/1960 in Philadelphia, Pa.
I am a student at Yuba College majoring in History.
Education and school funding for both students and our college is very important to me.
Some of my talents include cooking, sports and coaching.
I also enjoy horse racing and make a great Philadelphia Hoagie.
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