The following is an article written and provided by the President of Yuba College, Tawny Dotson. This article was submitted by President Dotson to the Prospector and is now published for all to see.
“Yuba College Students,
It’s Spring Semester 2021!
This semester continues amongst the challenges that made 2020 rough. We continue our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We remain divided in many ways as a nation. And the racial unrest and social injustices that caused upheaval in 2020 have not gone away.
Spring Semester will require your continued fortitude. But there is hope.
COVID-19 vaccines are being administered. In a show of incredible effort, scientists in this world united, and vaccines were created, tested, and approved for distribution swiftly. Whether you will or will not get the vaccine, this demonstration of scientific ability gives me hope.
It is unruly and uncomfortable at times, but our Nation – the greatest there has ever been and ever will be, remains our Nation. We work to unite behind what makes it so: democracy, freedom, and the American Dream are amongst the long list. As a member of our Nation’s military for more than 18 years now, I’ve spent decades of my life defending this country. The past few months have caused me pain, tears, and frustration. But every day I wake up and revisit why I continue to serve. It’s because I still believe that this Nation is the very best. The potential to reunite gives me hope.
Our intentional efforts to establish a College and a community that equitably provides opportunity and success for all move forward. Here at Yuba College and in Yuba and Sutter Counties, we will forge ahead in creating an environment focused on continually improving our ability to provide equitable success to all our students. This job, serving as your college president, is about creating futures for everyone. And it gives me hope.
As we continue this Spring Semester, I would like to recognize some ways that you will receive continued support to move forward in your journey.
COVID Relief Funds: We are finalizing the methodology to award funding to students provided by the Federal Government’s most recent round of Coronavirus stimulus funding. Students at Yuba College will receive funds direct deposited in early March. This round of funding focuses on identifying students with the most need. Around the same time that the automatic funds are made available, an application process will open for students with additional needs. Watch Yuba College’s website, your student email, and our official social media channels for announcements with details in the next two weeks.
All Student Zoom Sessions: We will hold town hall meetings for all students on March 11 and May 12. Both sessions will take place at 4 p.m. YC Staff will provide updates and answer student questions. If you have any questions or are interested in the latest updates, please join us.
Athletics: We have identified the necessary funds and mechanisms to return to athletics competitions for Phase 2 sports safely. At YC, this includes baseball, softball, and track and field. Our other athletes have returned to outdoor conditioning as a team. We will continue to seek ways to increase their activities as our COVID cases decrease and the environment becomes safer.
Laptops/Wifi Hotspots: Our Library staff has available laptops and wifi hotspots for check out to students. If you need technology support while learning from home, please contact our Library Support professionals via email at ycref@yccd.edu or call them at 530-741-6755.
Zoom Room Support: Our Student Services functions are available in-person, but you also have the option of seeking support from Admissions & Records, Counseling, Disability Support Programs for Students, Financial Aid, and special programs such Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS), CalWorks, Veterans, Dusty’s Pantry (Student Food Bank), and CalFresh via phone or a Zoom room connection. Access answers to your questions from your phone or laptop through the contact information listed here: https://yc.yccd.edu/remote-services/.
Communication: If you are not already considering following me on social media, I share regular updates and announcements. Facebook: facebook.com/ycpresident. Instagram: @YCPres. We will continue to reach out through your official student email, provide emergency updates through our text messaging system (sign up for those text alerts at this website https://www.yccd.edu/central-services/campus-safety/catapultems/), and post news and updates on our college website (https://yc.yccd.edu).
Intentional guidance from our employees will continue as we approach this semester and the rest of 2021. The work you’re putting in today will build the foundation of what life will look like post-pandemic. The classes you are taking will lead to an even better future when the world begins to look more normal. In the meantime, we are here to encourage you as you continue your journey. “
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