With a large group of Hispanic students on campus, it is no surprise that the Spanish Organization of Yuba College exists. But this does not mean that the SOY club is exclusive to Hispanic students.
According to Professor José Ramón Muñoz, who helped found the club in 2009, its purpose is to promote the Hispanic culture. The club started as a way for students in Muñoz’s Spanish classes to get together and work on their Spanish.
The club started out slowly, but began to get going around the time its Facebook page was created in 2011. The club is is composed mostly of students from Muñoz’s Spanish classes, which include Spanish 1 and 2 and Spanish 20A and 20B, which are for Spanish speakers. However, anyone is welcome to join the club regardless of whether or not they are enrolled in a Spanish class.
The club participates in many events off campus. The club has been on trips to visit four-year universities, and has even visited Spain along with students from other colleges.
In order to raise funds for their trips and activities, the club puts on fundraisers, which include selling food on campus. In the past they have sold tamales, which have been very popular with fellow students and staff.

According to Professor Muñoz’s, the club has 10 to 15 active students at present time. The current club president is Anabel Alanis, who found out about the club through a friend.
Anabel shared, “I came to one of the meetings with my friend, and I liked it, so I joined the club after that.” She also said that she sought out the position of club president after Professor Muñoz’s advised her to.
Another student who is currently in the club is Jose Velazco. He learned about the club after his friend Carla, who was a former member, told him about it.
Jose began attending the club’s weekly meetings to get help with his Spanish speaking skills. “I wanted to learn how to speak better Spanish, and learn how to read and write in Spanish too. The club members have helped me with this.”
Jose has also become involved in the club’s activities, recently participating in an event the club attended at UC Davis to commemorate Cesar Chavez Day.
The club is always looking for new members, so if you feel inclined to join or would like more information, they hold weekly meetings on Tuesdays in room 1006 at noon. They also have a Facebook page called “Soy Miembro Yuba 2011.”
NOTE: This article was featured in the Summer 2016 edition of The Prospector.
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