It may come as no surprise to some, yet a radical idea to others, that the community at Yuba College lacks the essential structure to create change, as to introduce and embrace social idealism. The youth are often pressed to remain focused on education, and leave the rest to those who govern us. As the past has shown, many times over again, the only change to be brought about comes from those who oppose normality. What must we do in order to bring about awareness in our community, for our community? One such Yuba College group has taken the first steps…
The Gay Straight Alliance at Yuba College takes pride in embracing a united society, through education and acceptance. The group supports many human rights issues, not just rights for gays.
The YCGSA was formed in May of 2012, by former YC student Dorian Banks. The organization was created in order to form an awareness and alliance of the gay community along with its supporters.
In a recent interview with GSA President Fernando Meza, gay rights supporter Lacey Ryan, and Lacey’s husband Robert Ryan, they all showed their interest in bringing awareness to the community. As of now the GSA meets on Tuesdays between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. in room 3009; all are welcomed to show support. The possibility of more having more meetings has been circulating amongst the organization.
On the 12th and 13th of September, the GSA will be hosting a brunch in the quad area from 8-10 a.m., serving coffee and baked goods provided by Starbucks. They will be accepting donations to support their organization, as well as promote awareness and gain supporters.
Within the Yuba College community, not many students participate in organizations with controversial views. The students often lack the support, or the showing of their support for such groups. Although being of gay orientation is accepted and tolerated throughout many communities and colleges, it is still a controversial topic among many.
In the interview Meza stated, “It is not enough to be tolerated, we want, and need to be welcomed.”
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan support the GSA and the goal of creating a harmonious unity between the gay and straight communities. Both believe that humans should be created equal regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. They want the community to understand and support equal rights. It isn’t an issue of gender, sex or race to them, it’s an issue of equality and acceptance.
The YCGSA has future plans to expand their horizon to much larger audiences. From possible coordination amongst other colleges in the Yuba Community College District, to hosting and participating in upcoming events. October 11th is a big day for the gay community and for YCGSA, it’s recognized as National Coming Out Day. A day where Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transsexuals alike show their support for equal rights and proudly express themselves.
Meza claimed, “As a group, YCGSA will be strong. There is strength in numbers.”
The organization is new to the Yuba College campus, but not to the struggles and oppressions often suffered by the gays, and those who support them. A new organization is strengthened through the support and alliance of the community. YCGSA welcomes all students to their meetings, and always accepts support through any means. If you’d like to show your support or have an inquiry, they can be reached during meeting times, as well as through their active Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/ycgsa.
Aspiring photo-journalist; Seeking the next stories, in the greatest places. Always open minded to new ideas and great adventures. If there’s a people, a place and or thing, theres a story to be told. May the adventures of today, be the stories of tomorrow.
Thank you for a nicely written article. As an active part of this group last semester, I am very thankful for Fernando and Lacy stepping up to lead the group. I am taking this semester off as a student, but as the leader of the non-profit community group GOTBLISS, I, and the group I represent stand behind the YCGSA and will support the students any way possible. Sometimes you do have to BE THE CHANGE you want to see.
Thank you Timothy. I agree with your comment and hope that the rest of the community around here stands up and shows support. Hope to have you around with your great attitude and support.
Thanks to you Robert and The Prospector the YCGSA is getting the exposure it needs. This is merely the first step in many to come for our organization. Together we will all be strong, have a voice, and make a change.
You’re welcome Fernando. Thank you for your time and input. I hope that the group grows and you all get the support you need, and the community steps in.