The College Success Center (CSC) offers free tutoring help to all registered Yuba College students, including those at the Sutter County Campus.
Tutors help students with most subjects, including mathematics, chemistry, biology, sociology, history and humanities.
English and ESL students are served through the Writing and Language Development Center. Math students can get additional help in other programs, like the Hard Math Cafe and the Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement program.
CSC tutors are students from Yuba College, CSU Chico, CSU Sacramento, or even UC Davis. They must have must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, and must have received an A in the course that they provide tutoring for. They must be recommended by an instructor and, most importantly, they must successfully complete 18 hours of tutor training.
According to Instructional Associate Tony Jow, the objective of the CSC is to provide additional academic support for students, helping them to succeed in their classes. And the data shows that upwards of 10 percent more students do pass their courses if they come in and receive tutoring.
Tutoring sessions can vary. Jow said that they prefer that students come at least two times a week, one hour each session, because their research indicates that this is the most efficient way for the students to learn.
However, the students can come to tutoring for more than just two hours per week, if they need the extra help. Students can fit in as many sessions of tutoring throughout the day, depending on their schedules.
If the students need more tutoring than is available, they have multiple options, said Jow. Students may go to their instructor’s office hours, or they may “drop in” to work individually with a tutor. Also, students interested in private tutoring can talk to their tutors to arrange private tutoring outside of the college.
The CSC, located in the Learning Resource Center., is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. during the Fall and Spring Semesters. During Summer Session, the CSC is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

NOTE: This article was featured in the Summer 2016 of The Prospector.
My name is Harnek Singh and I attended Yuba Community College. My major was Communication Studies at Yuba Community College. After that I transferred to Chico State University to pursue my Bachelors degree in Communication Studies.
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