One of the most detrimental aspects of our society, or shall I say country, is the process in which we determine our choices. We, as citizens of the American system, often lack the crucial intellect needed to decide our most significant factors. Maybe it’s the way in which our systematic priorities are set and withheld through expectation? Or is the system created and sustained by our miniscule intellectual concern? Either situation leaves no justification for the lack of thought process while making decisions.
The founding of this nation was structured around the ideology of independence. Not just independence from a rule, but the independence to create our own rule, not only of governance but of humanity.
Although we have freedom of thought and the freedom of boundless intellectual capability, not many take advantage of their opportunity. These rights to knowledge were not given and are not able to be taken; freedom of intellect is a natural right in which all humanity is entitled.
“There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder.” -Ronald Reagan
Our trivial decisions may not always need the methodical forethought like the momentous decisions which we must make, but all decisions should be made only after careful evaluation of all options. Options often presented to us have significance in our expected result, otherwise there would be no choice to make.
The repetitious tasks that inhabit our daily lives go without notice, without the need to concern oneself with the leading consequence. Though the opportunity of momentous decisions rarely present themselves in our lives, it gives more to the reason of intellectual concern with the ending result. An option must be forced, without the choice of not choosing, to be considered a momentous decision.
In the case of deciding upon two or more options, the options must be of value to the individual making the decision. The value of the options is determined by the impact on one’s passion. When evaluating the choices we are presented with, but cannot ultimately decide upon, our passional nature, or will, shall decide for us.
William James, 19th century psychologist and philosopher, published “The Will to Believe” in 1896, concerning the ideology of belief with respect to rationality and evidence. Within James’ doctrine he states, “We may call an option a genuine option when it is of the forced, living, and momentous kind.” The genuine option is the option in which one MUST decide upon to gain the significance he/she desires.
The way in which we, humans, have come to disregard the value of our options is disappointing. Many factors attribute to the neglect of intellectual concern with choices. From the social aspects of distraction, to the deciding of presidency, we often don’t concern ourselves enough with the consequence before deciding.
The society in which we live is often complained of and looked down upon for the decisions and actions we make. It’s inevitable to be presented with momentous decisions that affect the way we live our lives, but no choice should be made without proper concern, for then only will the minds of individuals often be distraught.
Without proper evaluation of options one may decide incorrectly, in the sense of that which they ultimately desired, and without opportunity to reverse the choice they made, they will be left in despair.
Aspiring photo-journalist; Seeking the next stories, in the greatest places. Always open minded to new ideas and great adventures. If there’s a people, a place and or thing, theres a story to be told. May the adventures of today, be the stories of tomorrow.
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