E. Jubilee Howe August 28th 2020
The title of this article might presuppose that you as a student of Yuba College, Professor (of the same), or potentially completely unrelated third party are aware that the news source known as The Prospector left, came back-or in fact, that it ever existed. If you weren’t aware of these things it’s no capital crime, in fact it doesn’t really affect us as writers, journalists or editors etc. But much like everything else many students try to avoid doing (like homework, participation etc.) in the world of academia, it does affect you.
For those of you who don’t know, the Prospector was Yuba College’s one and only independent news source mostly made up of students in Mass Com class, Journalism, or News Media Production classes. It gave students the opportunity to become part of the campus and community written perspective, as well as the experience of actually being held responsible to look for legitimate sources and dig for the truth of a story without being able to ignore evidence-whether it supports your original views or not. It has now been two years since the Prospector was functioning at Yuba College, and when it was the news source, it was run as a weekly class with required stories and assignments. Well, the Prospector is making a comeback and it’s doing so without the same restrictions and requirements that it had as a class. Now the production team for the news source is composed of students… and their mostly part of a club.
The Yuba College Journalism club of 2020 is the result of multiple staff, faculty, and persistent students reaching out, pushing limits, and using their resources to make it a reality. The official return was coordinated and processed through ASYC and made official on 8/25/20. The Journalism club will be an opportunity for students to be more than subject to the narrative-they can become part of it. Contributing each individuals’ unique experience, views, and perspectives on public issues is an opportunity students have now. Anyone on the journalism club can write for the Prospector, and anyone can submit work to the club for review. So that’s why you should pay attention, if you don’t there will be a lot of news floating around and you don’t want to be the last one in the loop. Whatever happens for Yuba College or the Yuba Sutter Counties in the Fall of 2020, we’re going to hear some very different perspectives on it. So as a message to all people with eyes, minds, and the willingness to delve into topics and viewpoints that may be very controversial or different from what were accustomed to: Yuba College has its own news source once again.
And this time, all potential writers have a shot at it.

“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.” –Ecclesiastes 12:13
I’m a Christian, a writer, a conservative and am currently working towards an AA in English here at Yuba College. I loved to put scripture quotes as openings to my essays in any assignment where I could get away with it and I like to write about things that are meaningful, entertaining or simultaneously both. I attempted to join journalism two semesters in a row but there was no Prospector for two years here at Yuba College due to lack of enrollment in the Journalism class. To be able to be President of the Journalism club and to fill the Prospector page with news and views is exciting to me and I hope that it continues to be replete with different perspectives after I graduate. Everyone has something to say; whether or not their willing to organize their thoughts and put it on paper (or in our day and age, online) is what makes them a writer. I hope to be a novelist someday if the Lord is willing; and the goal of my works is to remind people what shouldn’t be forgotten, as well as give them a world in which all of the plot twists, choices, and fall outs come together in a way to help readers grow and find clarity. Books are both a form of instruction and escape, and therefore never obsolete.
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