Yuba College clubs are at full steam for the semester. Associated Students of Yuba College held Club Day,Wednesday September 20, 2017. It was a fun atmosphere with the Flavors Cafe Culinary Arts Students serving up monster plates of smothered fries.
Green Futures held a garden tending session Thursday September 21, 2017 at 9 a.m. The club has been harvesting and delivering cherry tomatoes to Dusty’s Pantry once a week and an aquarium was also recently donated which they will be using to implement an aquaponics system for the greenhouse. There are vacant offficer spots if people are interested and meetings are Wednesdays at 5pm in the lobby in front of the library, between the Writing and Language Development Center (WLDC) and the College Success Center if you show up after 5 p.m. check with library staff to see if they have moved to a study room.

Tammy Pack, who stopped by during the garden tending, wants to let students, faculty, staff, and the community know that the Student Veterans Association will be holding an auction November 4, 2017 in the Campus Center, Building 300. Tammy says ”We need all the publicity we can get.” The auction will benefit the Veterans Center of the college. “The computers need to be replaced.” said Pack. She wants to make sure there are available textbooks for student Veterans and lap tops they can check out to do their homework. Science and Technology textbooks can be in the range of $380 for a Chemistry text. The event will be USO WWII Era style. Pack intends to have ladies dressed as calendar girls and gentlemen as aviators from the period. Authentic food from the era such as: Fried Chicken, Meatloaf, and other iconic American dishes will be served. Tickets are $35 each and include dinner, drinks, and entertainment.

The Yuba College Literary Arts Club is hosting their first Poetry Cafe in the Campus Center Bldg 300 on the Marysville Campus Friday, September 22, 2017 6pm -8pm. The first 50 guests will receive free glow in the dark bracelets. Guests will hear Yuba College Graduate Jassi K. Bassi, who was featured in the Flumes literary journal Summer 2017. In addition to Bassi’s reading, Kelly Cunningham and Wren Tuatha, also published in Flumes will take stage with original work and Yvonne Madison will perform an oral interpretation of “Sold”, by Patricia McCormick. The club hopes to hold monthly events in the future.
Students for Economic Change members visited migrant farm camps on Sunday September 10, 2017. Prospector reporter Drew Bruggman and Yuba College student Wendy Morethorpe visited farm worker camps along with representatives from Western Farm Workers Association(WFWA). Morethorpe, who visited all three camps on the itinerary,said, ““I think we aren’t doing enough. We need to do more.” The group distributed back packs and school supplies to two of the camps and distributed clothing at the last. At the beginning of the Fall Semester SEC also donated military backpacks and school supplies to Dusty’s Pantry. The backpacks were received from WFWA who obtained them from Mike Nichols, President at Veterans Stand Down in Marysville in support of the WFWA Back to School Campaign.
Wendy Morethorpe listens as a Western Farm Workers Association volunteer translates at a migrant housing meeting and distribution.(WFWA Photo)
I hold both an AS in Social and Behavioral Sciences and an AA in English from Yuba College. I have been on the editorial board of Flumes, literary arts journal, and contribute to the publication of The Western Farm Worker. No one knows what the future holds!
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