I suppose you have all heard about the sanctions imposed on Yuba College by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC). The Appeal Democrat newspaper, circulation in Yuba and Sutter counties, has printed mostly negative press at first glance about these sanctions. As a matter of fact, anyone who has seen or read anything about the sanctions has formulated a very negative point of view about Yuba College Accreditation, perhaps because of all the media misnomers.
The reality of is that Yuba College has received a very favorable report from the Accreditation Commission. All colleges visited are usually sanctioned to some degree, most much more harshly than anything in the Commission,s report with regards to Yuba College. The recommendations in the ACCJC’s report involve planning,evaluation,and assessment issues. The report focused on three areas of improvement, development and implementation of technology,planning and resource allocation, Student Learning Outcomes which have to do with courses, programs and support services for the students themselves.
The time frame for correction of these sanctions is not until October of 2013. Once this is accomplished, one can expect full accreditation by the ACCJC. This is not an uncommon situation for a top flite community like Yuba College and could be easily achieved.
The negative press and public opinion surrounding the issue of sanctions is unfounded and overrated. Let’s put it this way, one of the recommendations has to do with such a simple thing as enough custodians. The only reason for this so called sanction is that we Yuba College has added more campuses to its system, such as the new Sutter Facility.
Perhaps we can put aside the negative forethought and work together for the benefit of our students and our communities. What are we going to say when Yuba College actually becomes one of the top accredited colleges in the state of California?
Bob Barton III/ born 08/26/1960 in Philadelphia, Pa.
I am a student at Yuba College majoring in History.
Education and school funding for both students and our college is very important to me.
Some of my talents include cooking, sports and coaching.
I also enjoy horse racing and make a great Philadelphia Hoagie.
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